Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Thanksgiving weekend

Hello! We are ignoring thanksgiving - not terrifically pc after all. However, I have made PIE - complete with filo pastry and filling! It is currently waiting for Mr H to get home from work and we'll chow down.
I think we may have got the days slightly wrong on the last few posts - it is what happens when you are A) unemployed or B) working uneven days! We have had a good long weekend as today is turkey day, so most people have the day off (except Adam, grumble grumble). I did do a nice thing and surprise Adam at work, to let him know that I was making a yummy dinner. We had a long walking day on Saturday, as we walked miles and miles and miles between shops. On a saturday! Absurd! We had some successes, as I now have a rather smashing new coat for the winter. (And some gloves I picked up today.)
**Brief pause while I discovered that I'd overcooked the potatoes. Nevermind - mashed potatoes they now are!
Sunday was a good day - we got up to go and watch our housemate's Ice Hockey game - Kaos vs Nighthawks. We (Kaos) won! And our housemate played really well. (Was glad to have new coat as it was freeeezing.) We went to QE park in the afternoon, wandered around and played with Adam's hackysack. I also took lots of pics of the neighbourhood, following a request.
Right - photos!
Further note: photos separate!

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