We have been keeping busy; Adam's been cycling and working like the proverbial trooper (and his bike trip of the previous post). I've been knitting, re-reading the Harry Potter books (Currently on no. 5) and visiting various nearby places. I've been for a wander around Granville Island, and went to the Van Dusen Botanical Garden on Sunday while Adam was working. Yesterday, we went to the Lynn Valley Canyon and suspension bridge, which unlike the Capilano bridge, is free. And it was almost empty of people, so it was a nice way to catch up with our previous host, while enjoying the scenery and good weather. It is getting colder in the evenings now. We went for a stroll last night, and I found myself looking forward to the end product of the knitting project that I'll start tonight - my new hat!
Right, on to the bit you all like, photos!
Aquabuses parked at Granville Island |
Dragon boats at Granville Island |
Obligatory people posing in piles of leaves (at Botanical Garden) |
Sugar Maple Grove at Botanical Garden |
Different coloured leaf piles - very pretty (Botanical Garden) |
Bill Reid-designed canoe - it was massive, and full of rainwater (at Botanical Garden) |
Picturesque lake at Botanical Garden - floaty pontoon bridge |
Rainwater harvesting at the new visitor centre at the Botanical Garden |
The Botanical Gardens were very busy, as it was the opening day for the new visitor centre. I found out about it by searching for Vancouver today on twitter, and came upon a press release about it, so decided to amble over. I imagine it is amazing mid-summer, as there are big camellia and lily areas, but the tree colours more than made up for it. The maple leaves are stunningly pink!
Huge leaves everywhere - very Jurassic Park |
Some bloke standing by a pool of very green water |
Upper waterfall |
Some lady trying very hard not to fall in the very deep water |
Shallows above very big waterfall - excellent little beach to the left, but many sunbathers have been swept away - yikes! |
View from bridge over canyon |
View from bridge over canyon |
View from seabus front seats (we always have to have front seats on this and the skytrain) |
Tree in the next door graveyard mid-turn of colour |
The Lynn Canyon was ace because it was so uncrowded. Loads of steps though, and the huge leaves falling from the trees were slightly awesome, because they were so huge! We managed not to get photos of us crossing the suspension bridge (in place since 1912), but we crossed it! Local parks here have some pretty astonishing things in. Canyons, skunks, coyotes, all sorts!
Additional news item - I've been asked to work at Big White! Hello 5 months of ski resort! We're very pleased!
These trees and rivers are all very well but where are the pix of the buildings you've worked in and the people you are working with ? The world wants to see your colleagues and muchachos. And for that matter where are the racoons and skunks. Oh and I want to see the water IN the canoe. Is it stinky and black ? - why didn't they put a hole in it to let the water out? More crazy creatures and wonderful Canadians please. Our electronic love affair with Canada continues...