Friday 13 January 2012


Hello all, sorry to leave you alone for so long! We have just been 'getting on with it', working, skiing and boarding, and keeping ourselves amused. Adam has been getting on really well with his snowboarding, and is now a regular at the terrain park, and has done most of the features - with mixed success! I took two lessons on my days off this week, which are really helping with my ski technique, and bravery in attempting new skills, such as riding through the tree'd areas.
We had a really cold day on tuesday - it was -22 and there were frostbite warnings throughout the mountain (noticeboards at every lift). Observe your friends - if patches of their exposed skin is going white, don't rub it, place a hand over it to warm it up, and don't stay outside! Not much new snow recently. The cold day was very windy, so the pistes were quite choppy, with patches of scraped snow and powdery bits. No problem if your edges are sharp! Sounds a bit clattery though.
We went to a friend's party last night - very good fun. Perhaps 100 people all dressed up! It was hard work getting up this morning - but luckily the chappie who runs at the cafe at the ridge rocket hut took pity on me, and reduced the price of my giant bowl of 'ridge rocket chowder' soup in a bread bowl - I even got the freshest bread - honoured! (And he gave me a complimentary hot apple drink first thing.) Just what the doctor ordered.
Adam meanwhile took a trip to Kelowna, and bought some supplies for more visitors, coming next week. (Lucky blighters are coming to stay for 2 weeks - hope they have a hot tub we can use!)
Well, I'll leave it there for now - more pics and vids soon. One morning I'll take my camera with me to work - the sunrise this morning was spectacular... and I've got to keep the jealousies coming!

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