Thursday, 29 March 2012

Proof is in the pudding

Phew! Lots of skiing this last few days, in reallllly nice snow. (Shame you can't see more than 50 feet ahead of you!) I've also done a bit more knitting...

All change

To make a change, Adam has today strapped on some 'planks' and suceeded at getting down the hill in one piece, using a number of parallel turns - attaboy. (I may have coached him a bit yesterday prior to his lesson today.) Bigger news is that he doesn't hate it!! I had a great lesson yesterday (with an instructor currently in the main picture on the BW webpage), and upon seeing him again this morning, he made me go for a black run lesson - yikes! I must be getting somewhere with this skiing lark! Had a great lesson, despite the fog, wind, sideways snow and mildly terrifying terrain. Black run lesson again tomorrow hopefully!
Sorry for the slightly odd pictures...
I think this is my instructor from Tuesday...

The view from the top of the Gem Lake chair - not bad, eh?

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Knitting renaissance

Having laid down the needles for a while, I picked them up again and have produced my third hat! (This time, with stripes AND a bobble/pompom!)

Scarf next...

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Hallo Gran!

News reached me that my Gran has been reading this, so hello Gran! Lovely email, thank you.
Cabin in the woods
This cabin is where we spent a jolly evening on Sunday - it is about 15 minutes down one of the snowshoe trails, and contains a picnic table and log fire, which we used to great effect. Lots of us brought food and we all had a late picnic in this funny little cabin in the middle of nowhere. It sure beats yet another night in the pub!
Aside from that, all is going well here, and we're looking forward to being homeward-bound in a few weeks.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Happy St Patrick's Day!

All sorts of silliness here today. I spent a portion of this afternoon sporting these lovely shamrocks, which Adam has been kind enough to model. Earlier in the day though, after 8 months and 2 days in this country, I MET A MOUNTIE! (Yes we have RCMP officers here all the time, but this one was in his serge!!)


Monday, 12 March 2012

Yikes, yet more daytrips!

Hello all, more photos and updates for you. Well, we went to Apex - another completely empty resort! Quite a few scary steep bits. I bravely stuck to the groomers while the rest trotted off higher up the mountain, going down things with names like "toilet bowl". At one point I could see them coming down something near vertical - I watched the tiny far away people to see that they came down ok. They did. Not forgetting the school bus we found in the terrain park!
Adam arranged a night out last week at the ice climbing tower (finally!) Lots of our buddies came and had a go. I was working at the cabin next door, so I got to watch. They did really well, particularly our friend who did it one-armed! (Broken wrist.)
Last night we celebrated a friend's birthday with a 'geeks' party. Many bow ties, short trousers, and over-large glasses were worn! I neglected to take my camera, but will nab some pics off someone else.
So, we've done a few fun things in the last week. It feels quite soon that we'll be packing up and heading off, but there's still a bit more snow to enjoy first!
As always, click on the pics for a bigger view.
View from Apex to more big mountains

Adam threatening our friend with snow on Apex

Apex terrain park - an unusual bus stop

Delightfully weird poster - BW middle right

Before the ascent

With a murderous gleam in his eye, he raised the ice axe and...

Am I there yet?



Best pic of Adam at the top of the 60ft tower
Oh, and happy birthday Dave!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Adam's pics! (Coz he's rubbish and didn't put them on!)

Silly sausage Adam didn't put his pics on here! So here we go...
View from Gem Lake chair to the snowghosts

Top of the Gem Lake chair

Ono! Don't fall in the treewell!

Adam mid-climb of the snowghost tree

Bundled up

Strapping in at the top of the Gem Lake chair

A scenic view

Rare pic of Daisy and Adam together - note screwed up eyes - it was sunny!

View of the run down to the Powder chair

Adam reclining on the powder chair

Our walk on the snowshoe trail

Deep pow!

Climbing a small mountain at Black Forest

Pleased to have a delivery of McCoy's crisps!

And the fun continues... with news at the end

Hello lovely readers. We have continued to do fun and frolicsome things on our Canadian adventure. On Sunday night we went Curling! Another tickets event, we travelled down to Kelowna and spent a few hours tumbling around on the ice attempting to throw massive stones into a target. Very few of us achieved it, but Adam was seriously competitive, and spent 2.5 hours solid curling. I was amused by the giant stone outside the centre (no pic unfortunately).
Curling chamion in action

Yes, we stopped at the liquor store on our way home on the coach (and McDonald's)!
Tomorrow we'll be heading to Apex for the day - for free! There are definite benefits to this ski resort work lark...
Oh, and the news? We've booked our flights home! We will arrive in Manchester on Sunday 6 May. We expect banners, trumpeters, cake and many many bottles of champagne. That is all.  And maybe some family too!